Wednesday, January 28, 2009

D Mills Flips off Virtual Fans at Rock Band Concert

During a recent concert in his living room, David Miller lost his cool. With J Warsh on lead guitar and the 'other' roommate on the drums Dave was pouring out his soul in his 2-bedroom (converted to 3) bachelor palace. The song was "Gimme Shelter" by the Stones, the level was Medium, and the mood was tense. Dave was seemingly hitting every note, and the virtual audience couldn't get enough. After the performance the other band members congratulated Dave on a job well done, however, Mills noticed that the computer had only awarded him a score of 97%. That is when all hell broke loose. David proceeded to hurl Pizza 33 boxes at the TV while simultaneously cursing out the fake fans and picking the lint out his belly button with his right middle finger. "It was very scary," said Justin, "but we knew it was almost time for dinner so his tantrum would be over soon."

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